ABOUT Skur Esports
Hello there,
Skur Esports is a upcoming esports team in Rocket League (for now ;)).
We haven't achieved much for now but we're only getting started.
You can follow our twitter for updates and other stuff.
We hope you stay following and supporting us in our dream of becoming pro's at Rocket league.
~Knifeman of Skur Esports
The Team: https://twitter.com/SkurEsports
Knifeman: https://twitter.com/MarnixWiersma
Thiemen: https://twitter.com/KirchnerThijmen
LeoN: https://twitter.com/leonsnoei_058
Niels: He doesn't have one :)
Esl: https://play.eslgaming.com/team/11046066/
Discord: https://discord.gg/tF4CxMD

professional Rocket League Team

Player of Skur Esports
Knifeman: In Game Leader and part time owner of Skur Esports
ThiemeN: Team owner and player.
Player of Skur Esports